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Environmental management

COS is aware of the environmental impact of its activities, as well as the challenges in terms of sustainability and environmental protection that all organizations must support.

Thus, we have acquired a firm commitment to reduce our environmental impact throughout the life cycle of the services we provide and have established and implemented an environmental management system based on the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard and those of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Regulation 1221/2009 and its subsequent amendments.

COS's environmental policy reflects this commitment and establishes a framework for the establishment of environmental objectives and the continuous improvement of our environmental management system.

- Environmental Policy
- Environmental statement year 2021
- Environmental statement year 2022
- Environmental statement year 2023

Carbon footprint and GHG emissions

The calculation of an organization's carbon footprint makes it possible to identify and quantify the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, thus providing information to draw up action plans aimed at their reduction.

At COS we calculate our carbon footprint for scopes 1+2 on a voluntary basis since 2018.

Our Carbon Footprint:

Carbon Footprint (tCO2 eq) 2021 2022 2023
Total footprint 412,14 408,14 452,93
Scope 1: direct emissions from the use of fuel and refrigerant gases. 294,72 274,73 357,45
Scope 2: indirect emissions from electricity consumption 117,42 133,40 95,48

Knowledge of the organization's carbon footprint allows the organization to take actions aimed at reducing it by establishing specific objectives and improvement or reduction plans. COS's main lines of action for improvement are:

- Reducing energy consumption by implementing physical measures that enable more efficient energy use.

- Encourage the use of energy from sustainable sources, generated in our self-consumption facility or purchase of green energy from our energy supplier.

- Progressively renewing the fleet of vehicles for more sustainable ones.

- Reducing the number of trips made by promoting the resolution and remote attention of our services.

COS Global Services Certificado CE 1221/2009 Parlamento europeo
Sello de cálculo huella de carbono 2021
Huella de Carbono 2022

Evergreen IT

Since our origins, COS Global Services is committed to a model of Infrastructure Support Services, HW Maintenance of Systems, based on a Circular Economy strategy, and which is determined by the extension of the useful life cycle of IT assets proposed by the End-of-Services (EoS) and End-of-Life (EoL) Manufacturers.

This model, together with our historical model of HW equipment brokerage and asset reuse, has made us a company ahead of our time, where our customers and their needs take precedence over the continuous consumption of assets, recurrently proposed by OEMs.

COS is part of what today is known as a TPM (Third Party Maintenance), a provider of alternative Support Services to the Manufacturer, without dependence on it. We continue to innovate and help transform business models.

Our mission is to improve processes, optimizing our Services to continue contributing to the progress of the “Green Economy” in our society, extending the life cycle of information systems, respecting our Planet and, at the same time, improving the way businesses operate to offer the best solutions to citizens and Customers around the world.

 COS Global Services Evergreen IT
COS Global Services Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes

Our commitment to the future

At COS, we understand that technology plays a crucial role in building a sustainable future. Our mission is to offer and develop IT solutions that not only drive innovation and growth, but also respect and protect our planet.

COS Global Services Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes

Corporate Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is at the core of our corporate culture. We collaborate with partners and communities to promote education in sustainable technologies and participate in initiatives that support environmental conservation.

COS Global Services Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes

Transparency and Ethics

We are committed to being transparent in our business practices and to maintaining the highest ethical standards. This includes ensuring that our entire supply chain complies with sustainability criteria and respect for human rights.

COS Global Services Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes

Our Contribution to the 0DS

At COS, we are committed to using our skills and resources to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations.

Year after year, we promote environmental and responsible governance initiatives and action plans that have a positive impact on society.

Specifically, COS actively contributes to the following SDGs:


At COS we promote the development of our professionals and we strive to develop a healthy and conciliatory work environment that favors the physical and psychological well-being of all the people who are part of our organization.

We want to be the company in which the best professionals wish to work for many years to come. Therefore, one of our priorities is to promote and improve initiatives aimed at enhancing the development and well-being of our employees.

We have an Occupational Health and Safety Management System certified in accordance with ISO 45001 and our own Prevention Service to ensure the health and well-being of all our employees. We have developed protocols adapted for people with special needs and we align our activities with Zero Accident Policies.

In addition, we are firmly committed to equality and therefore we promote internal policies and campaigns aimed at promoting equality and non-discrimination on any issue of any worker. Our Equality Plan, Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, Equality Policy in personnel selection, Labor Disconnection Policy, No Child Employment Policy and Harassment and Non-Discrimination Protocols are evidence of this commitment.

Contribution to the SDGs:

COS Global Services Certificado CE 1221/2009 Parlamento europeo
Sello de cálculo huella de carbono 2021
Huella de Carbono 2022
Huella de Carbono 2022


Since our origins, we have been committed to a model of Infrastructure Support Services, based on a Circular Economy strategy, and which is determined by the extension of the useful life cycle of our clients' IT assets.

We are aware of our commitment to society for the protection of the environment and our contribution to the sustainability of the sector. Our mission is to improve processes, optimizing our Services to continue contributing to the progress of the “Green Economy” in our society, extending the life cycle of information systems, respecting our Planet and, at the same time, improving the way we operate our business to offer the best solutions to our customers.

Along these lines, our commitment to the environment has been developed constantly and continuously, through the definition of a set of programs and actions. All this is articulated on the basis of a Policy and an Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001 and EMAS.

Similarly, we believe that climate change is a global phenomenon that compromises sustainable development and is currently the greatest environmental threat facing humanity. To combat it, immediate collective action is necessary. COS is an organization aware of this situation and has been calculating and recording the carbon footprint of its activities for years. Knowledge of the carbon footprint allows us to take actions aimed at establishing specific objectives and improvement or reduction plans that are carried out, with the ultimate goal of achieving a reduction in it.

The environmental variable is incorporated in all stages of our activity guaranteeing the best levels of environmental quality, economic progress and conservation of natural values.

Contribution to the SDGs:

COS Global Services Certificado CE 1221/2009 Parlamento europeo
Sello de cálculo huella de carbono 2021
Huella de Carbono 2022
Huella de Carbono 2022
Huella de Carbono 2022

Sustainable Technology and Services

Since its origins, COS has adopted Business Models based on the Circular Economy (EverGreen IT), seeking to provide services to its customers that promote the increase of the life cycle of their IT assets, to make them more efficient and sustainable, always keeping in mind the continuous improvement as a goal.

This vision, together with our HW equipment purchase and sale solutions and asset reuse, have made us the leading European company in IT Circular Economy that provides support services to Multivendor and Multiplatform Infrastructures in TPM mode (third-party-maintenance or alternative maintenance service provider to the manufacturer).

We work to help our customers digitize their businesses by creating solutions and services of value to society.

Contribution to the SDGs:

COS Global Services Certificado CE 1221/2009 Parlamento europeo
Sello de cálculo huella de carbono 2021
Huella de Carbono 2022
Huella de Carbono 2022

We don't just talk about sustainability, we integrate it into everything we do and are proud to be part of a global movement toward a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

See our Non-Financial Information Statements report.

- EINF Report