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IT Infrastructure Support

Ensuring system availability

Mantenimiento hardware
Mantenimineto Informático Soporte Informático

IT Maintenance

IT Infrastructure Support

Since our origins we have been providing IT Infrastructure Support Services, Hardware Maintenance of Systems and Software Support, based on a Circular Economy model.

We have the best technical professionals specialised in HW and SW with a high level of training and experience. Thanks to them, we can offer Support Services , both corrective, preventive and predictive, to guarantee the Business continuity of our Clients.

Digital Business Model

Our mission is to improve the Business processes of our Clients in order to continue contributing to the progress of the ‘Green IT Economy’ in our society, extending the useful life cycle of information systems through our IT Infrastructure Support Services.

In this way, we manage to optimise the way Businesses operate in order to offer the best solutions to citizens and companies around the world while respecting the Planet.

Scope of our Services

Mantenimiento de Sistemas Soporte Informático

Systems Maintenance

  • MultiVendor and Multiplatform Large Systems, Media Systems and Storage
  • Hardware Maintenance and Support Base Software Firmware on-demand
  • Call home Technology
  • Manufacturer's warranty maintenance. ASP (Authotised Service Provider)
    • Lenovo
    • Huawei
Mantenimiento Redes y Comuniciones Soporte Informático

Network and Communications Maintenance

  • Network Electronics Maintenance
  • Communications Maintenance
  • SOC Security
  • Manufacturer's warranty maintenance. ASP (Authotised Service Provider)
    • Huawei
Mantenimiento de Sistemas Soporte Informático

Monitoring Services

  • Monitoring of Critical Systems, Infrastructure, Processes and Applications
  • User Experience (UX) Monitoring
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Predictive Maintenance
Multifabricante y Multiplataformas Soporte Informático

Multi-vendor and Multi-platform

Independientes del Fabricante (TPM) Soporte Informático

Manufacturer Independent (TPM)

Disminuimos la Huella de Carbono Soporte Informático

Reducing the Carbon Footprint

Alta Capacidad y Disponibilidad Soporte Informático

High Capacity and Availability

Flexibilidad y cercanías con nuestros Clientes Soporte Informático

Flexibility and proximity to our Clients

SLA's adaptados a cada Cliente Soporte Informático

SLA's adapted to each Client

Relación Calidad Precio Competitivo Soporte Informático

Competitive Price-Quality Ratio

 Beneficios para tu Negocio Soporte informático

Benefits for your Business

  • Cost savings

    - Flexible structure adapted to the Business of our Clients.
    - Extension of the useful life of the Systems.
    - Deferral of investment in technological renewal.
    - Remanufacturing.
  • ‘Green IT - Towards efficient and sustainable management.

    - Green and circular economy: Making the most of resources by extending the useful life of IT assets.
    - Reduction of infrastructure through virtualisation and Cloud.
    - Increasing the availability of critical systems.
  • 360 services
    - End-to-end responsibility.
    - Single point of contact for the client.
    - Services with own resources.
    - The best references in the sector belonging to the IBEX 35 and Government.

Our Services and Solutions

Find out about our 360º Services, supported by the latest Technologies, attending to the most critical needs and requirements of our Clients.

Shall we talk?








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