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What do we do?

Leaders in the Provision of IT Services

COS Global Services is an independent multinational leader in the management and provision of IT Services with 100% Spanish capital.

Focused since our beginnings on taking care of technological needs, we have more than 25 years of experience attending to the most critical services of our Clients, helping them to focus on their business strategies.

The Customer at the Centre as the focus of Digital Transformation

Every company that tackles Digital Transformation must be subject to the ‘Customer Centric’ model.

A Customer Centric company is one whose main objective is to create a positive experience for the Customer, maximising the possibilities of its Service, obtaining profitability, saving costs and building valuable relationships.

At COS, this concept also becomes and is conceived as a key part of its corporate culture, a concept rooted in the way of thinking and acting of each and every one of our employees.

Thanks to this business culture, we offer 360º services, supported by the latest technologies, attending to the most critical needs and requirements of our clients.

Digital Business Models

COS Global Services portfolio


IT Infrastructure Solutions

Services for Systems Infrastructures: Evergreen IT


User Solutions

Digital Employee Experience Services: DEX


Transversal Solutions

System Monitoring Services

Why do our Clients choose us?

Leading multinational company in the provision of IT Services.

- More than 25 years of experience managing IT Infrastructure Services, providing the most critical Services for our Clients.

Customised and flexible services

- Personalisation of Services.
- Culture based on XLAs and SLAs.
- Agility in the processes.

Financial solvency

- 100% Spanish capital.
- High investment capacity.
- Certain and well-known ownership.

Integral Services

- International business services.
- 360º end-to-end vision and solutions.
- Services with own resources, not outsourced.

Technical capillarity and logistical capacity

- More than 1000 highly qualified professionals worldwide.
- Large storage and logistics capacity.
- Repair laboratories.

Highly competitive prices

- Business savings, with highly competitive prices.
- Flexibility in the method of payment.

Customer References

Telefónica tech Cliente COS Global Services
Indra Cliente COS Global Services
Mapfre Cliente COS Global Services
Repsol Cliente COS Global Services
Correos Cliente COS Global Services
Adif Cliente COS Global Services
Sepe Cliente COS Global Services
Renfe Cliente COS Global Services
Santander Cliente COS Global Services
Ministerio de defensa Cliente COS Global Services
Aena Cliente COS Global Services
Alcampo Cliente COS Global Services

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