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Operations Center

System Monitoring Services

Centro de operaciones
Operation Center

Operation Center

Predictive Services

At the centre of our Services Portfolio is the Operation Centre to provide a response to IT Infrastructure and User Services. With this Solution we guarantee the control of our Clients' Infrastructures by providing a real-time vision of their health.

We help our Clients in their Digital Transformation by giving continuity to their tasks and processes in matters of auditing and transformation, operation and administration of their Infrastructure.

Digital Business Model

Value proposition

With our methodology, processes and tools, we are able to manage all of the Client's hardware infrastructure related to their IT systems (critical systems, servers, storage, network electronics), whether located in their own facilities or in public environments.

In addition, we provide Software Services: we monitor operating systems, hypervisors, BB.DD, services, Client applications in order to improve the user and Client experience.

Scope of our services

Centro de operaciones Monitorización hardwere

Hardware Monitoring

  • Mainframe, servers, storage, network electronics, security, etc.
  • Alert escalation
  • Predictivity
  • Proactivity
Centro de operaciones Monitorización softwere

Software monitoring

  • Operating systems
  • Hypervisors
  • Applications
Centro de operaciones Soluciones Cloud

Cloud Solutions

  • Consulting
  • Installation
  • Migration
  • Administration
Centro de operaciones Servicios de alta disponibilidad

High availability service

Centro de operaciones Monitorización de sistemas

System Monitoring: HW and SW

Centro de operaciones Servicios predictivos

Predictive services

Centro de operaciones Administración de infraestructuras

On premise and cloud infrastructure management

Centro de operaciones Análisis de tendencias

Trend analysis

Centro de operaciones Mejoras UX UI

UX / UI Enhancements

Centro de operaciones Beneficios para tu negocio

Business Benefits

  • IT Infrastructure Availability
  • Centralised control in real time independent of the infrastructure to monitor
  • Forecast of events likely to cause unavailability of the Systems
  • Automatic start of procedures without causing interruptions in the Services
  • Real-time information accessible to the Customer
  • Reduction of downtime

Our Services and Solutions

Find out about our 360º Services, backed by the latest Technologies, meeting the most critical needs and requirements of our Clients.

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